Notice of AGM

to be held on the last Sunday of November at 10Am in the club room

Special Meeting Package


Classes operate each year from the 1st Sunday in February until the last Sunday in November

Training Times

  • Sunday mornings - 10:15 AM
  • Tuesday evening (Puppy Class) - 7PM
  • Wednesday evening - 7:30PM

Registration / membership renewal day

  • Sunday the 19th of January @ 9:30AM - 11AM


Trial Calendar

A calendar of all Obedience and Rally trials (and those for other Dog sports such as Flyball, Agility & Jumping, Tracking, & Herding ) can be found on the Dog Obedience SA web-site, but events specifically for members of our own club will be featured here and up-dated as the year progresses.

Dover's calendar year regularly includes two annual official Obedience competitions, traditionally in May and October.

These events have not been held during the periods of Covid and subsequently the redevelopment of the clubgrounds & facilities, but the dates of these events in 2023 are Sundays May 21st and October 8th.

The club has traditionally also conducted at least one Mock trial each year, usually in the weeks leading up to one or other of these trials.

Anyone considering trialing is encouraged to attend, even if only to observe, as they offer an excellent opportunity to learn about what's involved in trialing without the commitment or stress of a real entry.

Offers of assistance at these events are always welcome.