
All outdoor classes are subject to our Hot Weather policy.

Puppy Kindy is not subject to the Weather policy as it's conducted indoors.

Members and visitors are required to comply with the current SA Health policy.

Please remember to wear your badge so your graduation can be recorded on it, and a class graduation ribbon can be collected from the Club Office.



until Sunday 23 February 2025

10:15am - 11.00am

  • Grade 3,4 and 5

11:15am - 12noon

  • Grade 1 and 2 and puppy class (4-6 months)


Sunday morning training times

With effect from Sunday 2 March 2025 the training times will be as follow:

10.15am - 11.00am

  • Grades 1 & 2 & Puppy Class (4 - 6 months)

11.15am - 12noon

  • Grades 3, 4 & 5

From 08.30am

  • CCD, Novice, Open, Utility & UDX ring-work

11.15am - 12noon 

From 09.15am


Monday Evening

7.00pm - 8.00pm             
  • Scent Work Training


Tuesday Evening

7.00pm - 8.00pm             
  • Puppy Kindergarten only (pups 8 - 16 weeks of age)


Wednesday Evening

7.30pm - 8.15pm
  • all obedience classes

Members are welcome to attend either/both Wednesday and Sunday classes.

NB: Hot Weather Policy

Sunday training will be cancelled if the forecast temperature at 6pm the preceding day, is 34C or higher. See - temperature readings & forecasts

This doesn't affect Puppy Kindy on Tuesday evenings, as it's are held indoors. Even so, we urge you to exercise common sense when transporting your puppy by car in hot weather. 

Sunday training is not held on long weekends, nor on the two dates each year when the club hosts Obedience trials in May and October.

All members are more than welcome to attend these events to learn how trials are run, and what's expected of competitors.

During all club training sessions


  • The person handling the dog is responsible for the dog's actions
  • Dogs must never be tied up and left unattended
  • Do not approach or allow your dog to approach another dog without the handler's consent


Puppy Kindy

Puppy Pre-school for pups aged 8 - 16 weeks, who have received their first vaccinations (bring your pup's vaccination certificate with you) are conducted inside the clubrooms on our washable floor surface, on Tuesday evenings throughout the year. 

All family members are encouraged to attend classes which offer pups and their owners supervised socialisation with other dogs, as well as teaching basic commands such as to to Sit, Stand, Stay, Drop, Come, Fetch, to walk on a lead, and provide support and advice for those who may be experiencing difficulties with puppy behaviour, or such 'life-skills' as house-training.

Dover's training methods are positive and gentle, encouraging a combination of motivational techniques that utilise voice and rewards (treats or toy) with the correct use of a collar and lead.

Puppies graduate to the outdoor classes at 16 weeks of age, and remain in Puppy company until they reach 6 months, when they join either Grade 1 or 2 depending on their progress.

Puppy Kindy is free with standard club membership.

Graduation (see also Graduation Criteria )

Assessment for graduation to the next class is held on the last Sunday of each month, unless this clashes with a Dover Obedience Trial (see 'Diary') or long weekend, in which case graduation occurs the week before.

Don't be discouraged by others graduating around you if you aren't making the same progress. There are many reasons why dogs will learn at different rates:

  • Some breeds mature more quickly than others, and some breeds have been developed for the purpose of working as part of the handler's team, for example herding breeds
  • Some of your class-mates may be training their second or third dog, so they know what they're doing and will probably have trained their new pup from very young. They may be planning to compete in Obedience events, and can often be fast-tracked through the early classes; while others are just trying to ensure their dog is well socialised and obedient in a more 'everyday' sense
  • If you have taken on a mature or rescue dog, they may have experiences in their past life which inhibit their learning initially, but these can be overcome with patience
  • Some breeds are more independent and not as receptive to training as others
  • We understand that some owners have more commitments and calls on their time than others, but we would emphasise that a small amount of time devoted regularly to training will pay dividends not only in skills/behaviour, but in the dog's confidence, and in your relationship with them. NB: A prolonged or intensive training session the day before graduation cannot make up for those many missed short sessions, and may stress both dog and handler
  • This is not a race so much as the development of a partnership with your dog, primarily as a companion, and should be enjoyable for both of you. If it also becomes a successful working team, and then a hobby or even an obsession(!) that's a bonus, but even the most competitive teams have disappointments, and frequently have to go 'back to basics' with new exercises

Don't put pressure on yourself or your dog to graduate every month. You have plenty of time, and instructors are there to help you: many of them have struggled themselves with 'difficult' dogs, and fully understand that it doesn't always 'fall into place' easily; but a dog that starts off slowly may still be the more reliable performer in the long term than the one that seems to be headed for stardom from puppyhood. Dog-stars burn out too.